Full Moon, Flying & Captain Love

Let’s start with the full moon in Cancer on January 16th…

I love the energy of the full moon. For a pale person like me it is the ultimate recharge to bask or dance or howl  under the light of the moon. I usually put my crystals or jewellery out under the moon to cleanse and charge them up too.

Being a Cancerian it was a significant full moon for me to embrace by meditating in gratitude, setting some intentions and making some manifestation wishes aka praying…

I like to read this blog for insight into full moon significance and astrology Mystic Mamma

I was delivered a powerful mala bead necklace by Jana Johnson Healing just before the full moon, which I wore around my neck that night to cleanse and bless and empower my full moon wishes and intentions.DSC_0235I was invited by Jana to a full moon gathering hosted by sound healer and spirit guide White Star.


It was a powerful ceremony of song and chanting and toning, dancing and shaking all sorts of percussion instruments and picking cards to call in our own individual spirit guides before we set off on a guided meditation to receive some important intuitive messages and directions whilst White Star sang and Crystal worked with Tibetan Bowls.

The card I picked as my master spirit guide was Lady Nada. I think she looks very beautiful in a kind of Mills & Boone fantasy way. I found some information about her online here Lady Nada and without knowing all this stuff about her archetype when I drew the card under the full moon, I would say that Love & Christ Consciousness have been the underlying vibrations of my week so it all fits together quite well- spoooky magical, love it!


Then for two days I took part in “Rising Hearts” a workshop study of Acro Yoga and Thai Massage led by Carlos Romero and Bex Tyrer at Villa Naya in Ubud.

Acro Yoga is really very advanced yoga and involves both “Basing” and “Flying” ie being on the ground and lifting humans not weights and also being lifted up and flipped upside dwon. Both basing and flying require complete trust and concentration because one minute out of focus could lead to a great crash and injury, though there is always a “spotter” to ensure that doesn’t happen. On several occasions I was asked to lift men and women who looked heavier then me and to my surprise I was able to lift them suggesting that I am stronger then I thought- it apparently has something to do with locking the bones rather then muscle capacity. We also did a lot of assisted handstands as they are a big metaphor for turning ones point of view upside down, and for the first time in my life I was able to do an unsupported handstand once Carlos let go of my legs it was a pleasant surprise to be able to stay put on my hands unsupported.

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After all the basing and flying my body was aching though, in a good and very exercised/workedout kind of way.

I had already done a short one hour thai massage course with Carlos at The Yoga Barn, so it was great to dive deeper into the thai massage techniques. It’s a fun thing to study as it involves both giving and receiving massages. On the second day I filmed it so there will at some point be a Carlos Romero Thai Massage educational video out in the webosphere for those of us that may need a refresher on the “choreography” of thai massage.


Thai massage really feels like a flowing dance wherin the receiver is completely passive and surrendered to the process and the giver has to effortlessly and smoothly pummle, stretch, lift, swing and sway the receiver’s body so as not to disturb the tranquility at the same time to give deep almost yoga stretches whilst massaging…I look forward to giving some thai massage bodywork in the future…who will be my lucky recipients?

It was also accompanied by a group of sound healers who performed global world healing music whilst everyone massaged eachother in a circle and then lay still in sivasana to receive the sound healing- it was quite a sight and the musicians Rob and Patricio were powerful. I filmed it moving in and round and swooping overhead with a D.I.Y steadycam, so there will probably be a world music video for the sound healers filmed that day too.



It was a beautiful community experience and a gathering of many familiar faces that I have seen around or crossed paths with in one way or another over my time here in Ubud.


It was a stretch out of my comfort zone to be able to lift people I saw as being “too heavy” and to trust in my “spotters” whilst doing handstands and turn everything literally upside down! It was a lot of fun to fly.

I have also become really full of wonder in my day to day life out here which is a most joyous way to exsist. It’s almost as though life is a full on game and everytime I make a conscious decision to change something I don’t like about myself or way of living, the universe presents me with a hallenge right away as if to say “so you think you can change?”. In those moments of challenge, my higher self really gets it, the humour of the universe challenging me. My lower self maybe just gets triggered or annoyed by the challenge and tempted to fall back into old familiar patterns of reacting and acting ad my higher self fights to try something new and ask myself “what would love do?” rather then identifying with what my inner child wants or my eo is afraid of…

Anyway perhaps this all sounds a bit cryptic as I usually am more direct in writing about a particular learning experience rather then just a vague and generalised big learning- but there you have it some food for thought that I am loving dealing with as and when this stuff comes up which is pretty much anytime I interact with people!

I also recently experienced the gift of meeting once again with my own coach on skype. This truly is a gift as I have been a great giver, space holder and emotional support to many over the last 5 years since training as a life coach and to have a solid hour of focus purely on bettering myself originally felt slightly uncomfortable for me but I have come to anticipate these sessions with such appreciation and focus also as she is a trained psychotherapist so I feel supported and challenged in many ways through our time together as well as being expanded in my own potential to empower and catalyse greatness in others.

In  this session I was led on a guided meditation to meet the “Captain of my ship” the inner essence who is guiding the decision I make in life. This was a very fascinating process as it also required a great deal of surrender for me as I have a very vivid imagination and I had to really let go of constructing my ideal super hero kick ass Captain and really see who would just show up if I let that happen…

Without giving too much away (some things do need to stay sacred for me to integrate them!) I met Captain Love who drives my “ship” my “physical being” through this lifetime. Who re-assured me that I never have been and never will be alone, that I have some great strengths I need to believe in more yet at the same time he sowed me to be very humble and heart centred not arrogant and ego centered. Yes, my ship’s Captain was a he but a very ethereal, radiant and otherworldly almost angelic he. And in this meditation I felt as though I were the consort, the soul mate of this “Captain Love” that I had known him through many lifetimes and that in this “other dimension” or “hyper reality” we had and were always connected”… He looked liked Jesus, my type of guy…I have always had a soft spot for handsome conscious bearded guys.

I also found it very comforting to understand that I could connect to his unconditional love and wisdom anytime I wanted or needed to, through prayer and meditation.

It seems like that guided meditation may also have been a wonderful medicine for some feelings of loneliness that I have been battling with and trying to cover up or push away or deny for a while…

Between this new found inner masculine Ship’s Captain aka “Captain Love”, my inner Goddess “The Angel of Integrity” and my spirit guide that I met on the “Intuition 101” course  “Ariel Delphina” the Dolphin/Mermaid hybrid… as well as my inner child, inner parents, inner artist, filmmaker, yogi, coach, ceo and probably many others including the shadows…there is a lot going on and the crew is pretty big…

Without having a clear awareness of all these aspects of the “I”  there was much inner clutter or “noise”. As I get to know these conscious and subconscious parts of myself, I am better equipped to silence the opinions or judgements of each as well as to understand which part of me is expressesing itself and then choose which to listen to.

It all sounds a bit long-winded when I take a quick look back at what I’ve just written…

I feel to share it in case you are fully on this kind of self-awareness or personal development journey or are just experiencing some confusion or conflict in life or relationships. Perhaps just starting to notice the many parts of the self that make us each the unique snowflake that we are is a step towards consciousness.

My friends who have attended the Oneness University are all very conscious, sensitive and inspiring and they explain to me that they have learnt to go beyond understanding all the parts of the self and actually detaching completely from the concept of “I”.

For me right now, the thought of annihilating the”I” would mean completely letting go of everything I am just discovering that I am and that I am capable of – which would probably be a blessing in disguise and a totally freedom of the suffering of the mind as this sort of “consciousness” is described, but then if I were to completely annihilate all sense of identifying with “I” why would this mind or body that is me here on earth aka “I” bother to make any plans or do anything with myself and my life other then A: just be fully present, compassionate and happy 24/7 or B: be of service 24/7 to the sick and the poor like Mother Teresa?

Actually I like the concept of living life based on plan A: being fully present, compassionate and happy.

With a good chunk of time dedicated to plan B: being of service to the sick and the poor

And I haven’t quite figuredout yet if it is possible to live that way by continuing to identify with Me/I/The self or if true consciousness is only achieved by annihilating the self and the ego…

(how many times have I used the word Annihilate in this blog! Makes me think of the Daleks in Dr. Who go around repeating “Exterminate Exterminate- Annihilate Annihilate”)

Anyway perhaps enough deep thoughts, questions,reflections and revelations for one blog?

Yesterday, I started the day doing some work on the music video for Jelila‘s song “The Law of Attraction” and it really puts me in a good mood to work on that because I really love that song and I really love her!

Also I have “attracted’ some amazing, talented new friends out here which is interesting… to see who is showing up in my life at the moment…inspiring, authentic, talented and confident people who seee greatness in me- thank you to you angels, I feel so blessed for your appearance in my life and supporting me along this journey to living as my wisest, most conscious, heart-centered self.

On a final note, today I went to my favourite weekly activity of Ecstatic Dance. After the dance, all sweaty and ecstatic- I went to the buffet to get some deliciious vegetarian food and then looked around for somewhere to sit. The entire restaurant was full, every seat taken except one chair, so I made my way over to that chair and asked if it was taken. The guy at the table was engrossed in a conversation with a woman at the next door table and I half wondered why they were not sitting together but was grateful for a seat. Throughout y meal I listened to their very interesting debate discussion about what drives people, it was a passionate debate and I felt invisible as I devoured my big bowl of veggies. Eventually they finished their conversation and the woman left, just as I was finishing my lunch, I noticed a sketchbook on the table with some really amazing drawings in it so I asked the guy if he was an artist…

3 hours and possibly one of the most interesting reciprocal discussion of my life later and it turned out the guy was not only an artist but an entrepreneur and a life coach too.

He also kind of looked like Jesus so momentarily my inner sense of humour wondered if I was in fact deep within some guided meditation and having lunch with “Captain Love”…

Ha anyway if you are looking for a masculine energy Life Coach who is an expert at highlighting the obstacles which are holding people back- I would recommend a session with Adrian Bolli. We sort of coached eachother for few hours but it felt more like conscious sharing then any kind of structured coaching. It was a sacred conversation for sure, one of those fleeting moments as he leaves tomorrow.

Adrian Bolli of Next Level Coaching

Adrian Bolli of Next Level Coaching

Staying put in this kind of magical town is interesting that way too- seeing people come and go and becoming acutely aware of how precious and sacred each moment, each conversation, each energy exchange is…

And I haven’t even started to write about my most amazing day with a colourful creative fashion designer who lives in my fantasy dream house…and who named a bag she has designed after me!

That was truly one of my best and most creatively magical days in Bali so I’ll save that story for a lovebeam about and dedicated to her! It’s been an action packed week- just the way I love it.

Currently feeling vibrant and very alive with a heart that’s recently risen under a full moon and in many ways thanks to some sound healing as well as deep, insightful and at times triggery conversations or encounters has also been cracked open, challenged and decluttered…

2014 : High Vibrations!

Goodbye 2013 Hello 2014 and with welcoming in a new year, a new chapter of living high vibrations begins…

Gone will be the neurosis. Gone will be the drama. Gone will be the victim. Gone will be the blame game. So then, what is left? It’s like a clean slate, a clear intention and a chance to start afresh. The theme of High Vibrations has put me in a greater state of awareness, understanding that my thoughts, words and actions can come from a lower vibration or a higher vibration and that the choice in which path I take will directly affect the relationships and situations I find myself in. I am also getting a better understanding of the fact that the choice is mine, as I can no longer play “The Blame Game”. It’s super interesting to me also that I have chosen to make a film on the theme of Sound Healing, which is all about “vibrations” and “frequencies” at it’s core too…

I have also been making a few notes along the way these last few weeks of “Lovebeams” I really would like to send out via the blog…

I want to shine a Lovebeam on artist, writer, publisher and major inspiration Anton Perich.

He is and has been a great inspiration and creative mentor to me since I was a teenager- always encouraging me to write and even publishing a lot of my diaries in NIGHT Magazine.

Anton discovers and nurtures talent, makes films, shoots fashion and art photos, writes fiction and is also the inventor of a painting machine that paints portraits and abstract stripes. I LOVE stripes and I am in love with all of Anton’s paintings. I especially love the stripey outfits for partying and for yoga that he painted with me on his machine…

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Photo by Jakon fuglsang Mikelsen

Photo by Jakon fuglsang Mikelsen

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Hayward Gallery Performance

Hayward Gallery Performance

Happy New Year to you Anton and the entire NIGHT family (with some extra hugs to Tristan Perich, Lesley Flanigan, Jakob Fuglsang Mikelsen and Andrea Langdon) I hope I get back to see you for some high vibrations in the Big Apple later this year.

Then another “Lovebeam” goes out to Alex Moss in Australia. I signed Alex to my indie record label back in 2012 because he is such a talented singer-songwriter and a very cool creative dude. He was sitting on some great self-produced songs when we met and I wanted to help him get them out there. At that point I had Kitsch Palace and The Rodnik Band brainstorming multi-platform collaborations and releasing tunes on my label and a bunch of amazing producers in the extended family doing remixes like Marius De Vries, Nick Lloyd Webber, Ill-Esha, Paul “Groucho” Smykle, Uwe Doll, Andre King, Sam Doha and The Popular Culture Shaman.

Alex Moss and I had a lot of fun shooting music videos for his single “All that you are” and his EP “Naked”. Alex has a new EP coming out soon “Hope you sleep well, when you do” which he is putting out directly himself-an exciting new step for him for sure. Check out the videos inspired by metamorphosis and rebirth that we made for “Naked” in Bali.

So those are the lovebeams I just had to send out and I hope you feel the love.

Now a little summary of my very awesome Balinese New Year’s Eve.

It began with some live acoustic sounds at a charity fundraiser organised and hosted by Nick Wallaki. Nick appeared in my last blog post and I am really excited about him for several reasons… He is a beautiful shiny soul, a tall and handsome alpha male, a seriously talented singer-songwriter, a goofy fun surf dude…he is just awesome and we have been buzzing with ideas for possible collabs since meeting.

You can listen to his first album here Wallaki: The Follower of The Sun


Nick Wallaki hosts NYE live music fundraiser for Anak Alam

On NYE, he welcomed friends up onto the stage including Greta Orion and Radha Divine – two beautiful and incredibly talented female singer-songwriters.


Greta Orion & Radha Divine

I was joined for the celebrations by awesome new friends out here, two beautiful Goddesses and inspiring Hollywood film industry pros Elizabeth and Nina.


Nina and Elizabeth were keen to slip away before midnight and get up to the big NYE bash at “The Mansion” for fireworks and a 3,2,1 countdown, so we took off and made it through the pouring rain to celebrate midnight at the amazing huge party at The Mansion.

I found Hai Dai the Creative Director and Chief Orchestrator behind the big WOW Affect NYE bash at The Mansion who was also the VJ on the night. I got a chance to give big hugs to him and his beautiful daughter Jaz who is a jewellery designer and youth entrepreneur at Lychee Concepts 


I danced all night at the Mansion, it was beautiful, blissful and a lot of fun.



At one point I climbed onto a big bed and dove into a cuddlepuddle full of people…


At the very end of the night and just before the sun would start to rise…I shot some videos of some singer-songwriters from the previous gig who had all appeared like fairies at the mansion once more.


Beautiful people, a magical night with a quality moment under Wallaki’s wing, listening to his heartbeat as he strummed his guitar and sang a song called “I’m alive” about “high vibrations” definitely setting the tone for 2014 and beyond.


Loved it all… was the most fun NYE I have had in years.

So what else…

Oh yes I have been filming with Sound Healers a lot this week too with Larissa Israel doing a Tibetan Bowl Water Healing Session

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And I also filmed a sound medicine concert and interview with Kailash Kokopelli. He is an amazing character, very inspiring and experienced in the realms of healing and a pioneer of the modern concept of “Sound Medicine”. He gave me a really insightful interview, where I really experienced a direct transmission a learning of information being passed down from generations of healers through him and into me and my video camera…to be shared with an hopefully to inspire, enlighten and heal you too. He also did some physical healing on an infected motorbike burn wound I have on my leg. He poured a product onto my wound that he makes called Dragon Blood and it has completely sped up the healing process, turning a septci wound into a crusty scab. It’s super hard for wounds to heal in the humid topics and I am very grateful to him for that. I am also really intruiged and wanting to buy many of the other products he is selling from his Dragon Rider website. I also experienced what might be described in new age terminology as a “download”, I heard some very lear directions during his Sound Medicine concert and I was told or guided to go and spend some time this summer in The Haida Gwaii, so I am now doing some research into where I would stay there and who I need to meet there and what I would make…. very likely a documentary film as that is something I can always make with minimal funding and crew.

I am half wondering about putting this message gift from the spirit to me via sound medicine world into my blog, because maybe this was a message intended just for me and not to share in the blogosphere? However, I also know that by putting ideas and inspirations out there you readers and your friends can find and make contact wih me. So anyone reading who knows anything about the Haida Gwaii please make contact as I shapeup a Haida project to make out there.


I also did some filming with Tara Leanne creator of  Space For Grace again this was a super educational interview for me to film. The more I film the more I realise what an opportunity it is for me to learn. It is also an affirmation that when I chose subjects that I have a deep interest in learning more about, I will be driven to keep filming despite not having a comission or any certainty about where this will end up.

My passion for the subject and my desire to learn about it gives me the fuel to keep rolling with a certainty that others will have an interest to learn about this too…

Anyway Tara Leanne taught me a lot of life lessons in a short space of time and also did a performance with several crystal bowls and some out of this world “channeled toning” sound-making with her voice.


For that shoot, I went to the home of Ibu Robin who is a very famous woman here in Bali as she is the founder of Bumi Sehat the natural birthing clinic. She gave me a dvd to checkout made by her daughter Deja Bernhardt and I look forward to watching the film with an awesome title “Guerilla Midwife”.

I must also mention my recent and very surreal 24hours in Singapore being culture shocked by high rises, dimsum, alcohol and UFC with old friends from England Jonty and Lou and new friends/ex boxers who were sitting beside me giving a hilarious running commentary throughout the gory violence- it felt so diametrically opposite to the peace and lovin of Ubud!

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Here’s to all your seeds of intention for the year blossoming in 2014…

I really felt so many of you with me here on New Year’s Eve and I did a little meditiation to send some love and light and blessings out to many of you for the year ahead.

Wishing you all Love Love Love and Fulfillment for 2014!

Enjoy every moment along the way.

That’s what I am doing now as a conscious choice, putting happiness first for myself and others, enjoying the journey moment by moment and listening to the guidance and wisdom that whispers to me through the wind and the music…

Hasta Luego and lots of love from Bali